[This from Christine, a friend of Authentic Relating Village] Good Morning! With great happiness I would like to share a bit of news that I just received. A dear friend and great devout of Siddha Yoga will be visiting Ajijic. His name is Carlos Pomeda originally from Spain, he is a scholar and was a monk of SY for 18 years. He was close to Baba and Gurumayi while living in the Ashram for many years. I have invited him to join our Satsang this Wednesday and share his SIDDHA YOGA experiences. He is very happy to join us! We will have a very special Satsang! Invite your family and friends to join us. Namaste.
Starting the juice fast!
This photo shows Alex, Lucyana and I starting our juice fast a few days ago. That involves roughly 200 pounds of vegetables purchased at the Chapala market, including giant celeri’s! We are unloading and sorting all our produce in these photos.
A juice fast is such a great way to begin our community adventure! We have ambitious business plans in terms of spreading the “gospel” of AR (Authentic Relating); but what better way to start than getting healthy?
The total cost of this is about 3000 pesos for the week btw, about $60 each. We figure it would cost 2-4 x that much in the US.
Note: I had no immediate intention of radical diet experiments here, but Lucyana wanted it for herself and both Alex and I thought it was a great idea! This is the miracle of community, that people bring you things you did not even know you wanted.
It’s not forever, btw. Lucyana wants to do 30 days, Alex and I are joining for a week and then we’ll see.
Our “guru” by the way in this diet is Shane of Raw Vegan Rising. Very compelling guy. For him its not just about health, it’s can be a total psycho-spiritual transformation. We like that!
Calling AR Entrepreneurs to join us in Mexico!
I wrote the following to the latest Circling Guide newsletter, which went out earlier today. Re-posting here.
For context, the idea to create a kind of “Conscious Business Incubator” was very present when I founded Authentic Relating Village just 2 1/2 months ago. I am kind of amazed at how quickly this vision has manifested, with both new arrivals in March (Lucyana and Alex) quite entrepreneurial and wanting to lead AR. I am wanting to accelerate this program, and reaching out to the global AR community for interest and support here.
Here is what I wrote on Circling Guide:
As a long-time “communard”, I can personally attest to the benefits (and challenges) of living in community. In my experience, there is nothing quite like it for increasing self-awareness and fast-tracking development. It’s also a lifestyle that tends to become “addictive”. At this stage of my life, I would not want to live any other way.
We only opened up our new IC in Mexico, Authentic Relating Village in January of this year. By mid-march we will be 3, a “small but mighty” team. Our first project together is what I call “somatic stabilization”, or what Jason Digges calls “dopamine reset“. For this purpose we are starting some dietary experiments that include juice feasting, what I call a “substance fast” (coffee in particular), and maybe moving towards a raw vegan diet.
Besides that, starting a commune has created an “explosion” in my life in terms of business opportunities. This includes our new project Authentic Singles (the world’s first member association of AR leaders operating in the field of dating and sexuality), the possibility of licensing our Practical Relational Leadership Course into the rapidly-growing intentional community and eco-village spaces, and more.
These opportunities are too ambitious for us to do alone. And while we are open, of course, to remote collaboration offers, we are especially wanting people to join us physically. The possibilities, the impact, and the fun multiply. Not the least being sharing quality meals together.
Whether your intention is to do some serious business and start making money in the exploding AR space, or whether you just want a “dopamine reset”, we are offering very affordably priced (from $550/mth) month-long or more residential retreat intensives starting anytime (but especially the beginning of the month).
If this is of interest — and especially if you are a budding AR entrepreneur who is looking to “Do well by doing good” — we definitely want to talk to you. Follow the links above to reach out.
My interview on Authentic Relating; new members arriving; inside the Authentic Relating Village kitchen!
Lisa Larson interviews me on Authentic Relating!
I was interviewed by Lisa Larson, Emotional Health and Wellness coach at Caring Connections Podcast about Authentic Relating. It was a great dialogue and good introduction the Authentic Relating & Circling practice for anyone who is new. Get the podcast / interview here:
Two new members arriving mid-March!
Lucyana is arriving mid-March, all the way from a tantric ashram in Goa, India!
And Lisa Larson is also attending the March 19 Local PRL course and is considering joining us in April!
Inside the Authentic Relating Village kitchen!
Well, Nick and I have been kicking ass in the kitchen and here is the proof: its 5 portions of salsa picante ready to be frozen and 3 portions of frozen Lentil dahl. Who knew that natural food could be so good?
Nick is currently our in-house nutritionist, fitness coach and tennis pro. He is the creator of the Optimal Human Fitness® system, for which I am a very satisfied customer! Nick is available for consultations, simply reach out to me and I will put you in touch.
Unfortunately or fortunately, Nick is having to leave mid-March for Puebla MX. I will miss him, but maybe he will come back and live at the commune with his current Cuban fiancee??? It’s a nice fantasy.
If you enjoy gossip, then I strongly recommend you join a commune!
With love,
Local PRL course starts Tuesday March 19; extensive website updates
We will be running a local Practical Relational Leadership (“PRL”) course beginning Tuesday March 19 at evening time in Ajijic. PRL’s are 4 weeks x 2 hours. For more information see www.circlingguide.com/prl
Bonnie Raniewicz will be co-leading with me, yay 🙂
PRL’s very reliably drop a group of up to 6 people into deep connection spaces. They have been very popular and impactful at Namaste Village and Villa Del Angel. Cost of the local group is 1500 Pesos, which is a fraction of what you would normally pay for a leadership training of this depth and scope.
It’s probable that this course will sell-out, so reach out to me directly if you are interested so we can arrange a meeting and see if you are a fit. We may run another one to start in early April if the later date works better for you.
There have also been extensive updates to the website of Authentic Relating Village authenticrelatingvillage.com, mostly to improve readability. We are currently enrolling month-long residential intensives from April onwards.
Please let your friends (or anyone interested) know of these opportunities.